sexta-feira, 14 de maio de 2010

What to eat


This is a guide that I made early on (I do eat different nowadays), but serves as a base without meat (I'd put more fruit throughout the day and would not give much attention to the cereal bars or soy milk, do not need much). In the end, options for eating out.

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Early morning start (optional):

- Water.


- A bowl of cereal (cornflakes, oats, whole grain malted sugar-free, quinoa flakes, neston etc.).

- Fruits (bananas, plums, papaya, apples, tangerines, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, etc.).

- To put in cereals: Ades Yofresh (calcium and vitamins), Ades Light Chocolate (do not have calcium but in fortified cereals) or juice.


- A glass of water with fortified soy milk powder (Supra Soy Lactose Free, Soy Milk) or a glass of soy milk (Ades or Purity) with Nescau;

- Fruit;

- One or two slices of bread with (margarine) or (Mix tahini with sugar cane molasses, half and half) or (jelly) or (peanut butter) or (hummus, tahini paste with chick peas).

Morning snack (1 hour and half to 1 hour before lunch):

- A fruit and a muesli bar;

- A fruit or two;

- Water.


- Beans and rice (preferably brown rice, lentils can be in place of soy beans or other legumes such as chick-peas);

- 1 to 2 servings of vegetables (zucchini, eggplant, okra, peppers, squash, endive, spinach, beets, cauliflower, broccoli, potatoes, cassava, manioc, chayote etc.).

- A big salad, preferably with dark green leaves (lettuce, arugula, watercress, tomato, onion, carrot, cucumber, radish, corn, peas, etc.). To season, a squeezed lemon or the famous vinegar / extra virgin olive oil / sea salt;

- Optional: (a piece of textured soy sauce in shoyu) or (4 nuggets of chicken flavored vegetable protein, made in the oven or fried in oil) or (shimeji mushrooms or shitake mushrooms in margarine and soy sauce) or (stroganoff soybean) or (scrambled tofu with tomato and onion) or (diced tofu to soy sauce and scallions);

- One tablespoon of ground flaxseed;

- A glass of orange juice or some other citrus fruit, rich in vitamin C, to fix the iron.

Afternoon Snack:

- A lot of nuts, any kind (almonds, walnuts, cashew nuts, pistachios, macadamia nuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, etc.). Or a portion of dried fruit (apricots, prunes, dates etc.). ;

- A fruit;

- Water.


- Rice (if desired, also a small bean);

- Salad;

- A lot of greenery (the remnants of lunch served);

- Optional: (a piece of textured soy sauce in shoyu) or (a 3 nuggets of chicken flavored vegetable protein, made in the oven) or (shimeji mushrooms or shitake mushrooms in margarine and soy sauce) or (scrambled tofu with tomato and onion) or (diced tofu to soy sauce and scallions);

- A light juice, water or diet cola.

1 serving = 1 handful

Characteristics of food:

Rice = carbs, protein, fiber, B vitamins, etc.;

Beans and other legumes = carbohydrate, protein, iron, vitamins, minerals, etc.;

Soy = carbohydrate, protein, iron, calcium, minerals, etc.;

Tofu = Protein, Calcium, etc.;

Chestnuts = protein, good fats (omega 3 and 6), iron, calcium, zinc, etc.;

Grains = carbohydrate, vitamins, proteins, minerals, fiber, etc.;

Vegetables = carbohydrate, protein, fiber, minerals, etc.;

Leaves dark green leaves = the clear in the dust, rich in iron, calcium and vitamin C;

Fruit = vitamins, fiber, etc.;

Salad = vitamins, iron, calcium, etc.;

Flaxseed = great source of omega 3, fiber and protein, improves absorption if crushed at the time of consumption;

Fortified soy milk powder = contains all good to start the day;

Tahini sesame paste = pure, rich in calcium and omega 3 and 6, helps reduce cholesterol;

Cane molasses = rich in iron, contains calcium;

Tea = If the English take, so do I;

Cereal bar = practicality;

Sea salt = better than refined salt, keeps the lost minerals during the refining process;

Brown sugar = better than refined despite the characteristic color, it has vitamins and minerals;

Extra-virgin olive oils = it's the "least worst" of the oils. Don't abuse.

How to Prepare the TVP (textured soy protein, "soy meat"):

Ingredients: TVP, minced garlic, chopped onion, olive oil, salt, soy sauce, Sazon seasoning vegetables.

- Separate as much desired in a colander PVT rice;

- Boil enough water to cover the whole soybeans;

- Pour the boiling water and let rehydrate in soybean;

- Place a seasoning of vegetables ready (Sazon, Knor, Jimmy etc.) And mix well;

- Soak (hydrating and getting a taste of seasoning) for 15 minutes;

- Throw out the excess water and squeeze with your hands until PVT out as much water as possible from all pieces;

- Saute garlic, onion and olive oil;

- Put TVP in hot pan and stir, enough to do crisp toast;

- Pour shoyu on sojinhas until they gain a deeper color (can substitute soy sauce for sweet paprika);

- Saute a little longer and go!

Note: Add if you want, champingon sliced, parsley and chives etc..

What the body needs per day:

Carbohydrates: 55 to 60% of daily calories (man = ~ 357g / female = ~ 300g);

Protein: 10 to 15% of daily calories (81g = ~ man / woman = ~ 68g);

Fat: 30% of daily calories (83g = ~ man / woman = ~ 70g);

Vitamins: A, B complex (B1/tiamina, B2/riboflavina, B3/niacina, pantothenic B5/ácido, B6/pirodoxina, B9/ácido folico B12/cianocobalanina), C, D (G), E, K and H / biotin.

Minerals: Iron, Calcium, Zinc, Iodine, Potassium, Selenium, Phosphorus, etc..

Fiber: 25g to 30g per day;


Weightloss = eat fewer calories than the body uses in a day.

Weight gain = eat more calories than the body uses in a day.

1 gram of carbohydrate = 4 calories;

1 gram of protein = 4 calories;

1 gram of fat = 9 calories;

1 kg of body fat = 7700 calories.

100 grams of fat = 770 calories.

One man + / - one day spent in sedentary ~ 2,500 calories;

A woman + / - one day spent in sedentary ~ 2100 calories.

Physical activity 1 hour spent ~ 500 calories.

This eating plan is based solely on plant foods: grains, cereals, vegetables, fruits, seeds and nuts.

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What to eat away from home:

- At the bakery: vitamin fruit with orange, no milk, no sugar. Bread, orange juice, or bread with tomato.

- Italian restaurant: pasta with tomato sauce and salad.

- Pizza, no cheese, just ask. Palm Trees. Shimeji or shitake. Zucchini (Best!). Arugula and sun dried tomatoes. You can tell the pizza man for put more sauce, or put some tomato slices and black olives.

- Arabic food: hummus, tabbouleh, pita bread, esfiha of endive with walnuts and raisins, esfiha of za'tar, falafel, salads, lemon.

- Japanese Restaurant: kappamaki (cucumber sushi), California temaki "no kani" (you can put tare sauce and sesame in place), shimeji, shiitake mushroom, vegetables (tempura), yakissoba vegetarian, gohan (rice), niguiri (sushi with umeboshi, a plum sorrel), horseradish and sake.

- In Mexico: frijoles (beans), guacamole, and pepper. And totopos!

And in cases of emergency:

- McDonald's, apple pie, banana pie, chips, salad, carrots are vegans. If you choose a lacto-vegetarian snack ask for a "no meat" Big Mac. Or at Burger King, a Whopper without meat.

- China-in-box: Vegetarian bifum. China-yaki-bifum vegetarian (no meat or chicken). Yakissoba vegetarian.

- Steakhouse: what are those tables of salads? Flawless leaves, beautiful tomatoes, hearts of palm, mushrooms, artichoke hearts. Sacrilege or blasphemy, vegetarians can do well in barbecue and steaks houses of quality.